In which I take a photo every day that I'm 50, and post it here on this blog, with a bit of related blurb.

Monday 28 April 2014

Day 135 - Hole in the Hedgerow

spring edition

As I reverse into my usual parking spot here at home, if I look ahead (which, to be fair, I usually don't), I can see directly through this hole in the hedgerow.

I realised it must be about three months since I featured the Winter version of this shot, and as it was lovely and sunny, an update might be interesting.   Of course, by the time I got around to getting out there to take a snap, the sun went in (in? in where?) and big black clouds drifted in from the West. 

(This view is oriented more or less due South, for those now curious - I would be!)

So anyway, this then becomes part two of my four part seasonal series, Hole in the Hedgerow.

I'll try to remember to capture part three in mid July or so, then again in October.  Please remind me if I forget (if anyone's still reading this by then).

I wonder if I'll run out of things to say at some point?   It's such a variable thing, from day to day...because I completely improvise every blog post - I just start typing with no plan whatsoever for what I'm going to write - it's largely mood, energy and time driven.   

One day I can be tired and have nothing interesting to say whatsoever (I don't need to tell you that, right?!), and the next I find myself off the beaten path on some random tangent.  

I wonder which direction this post is heading?!  

Actually, the post is going slowly, because Anna is off newt or bat bothering (or some such, though I concede that "bothering" isn't the correct jargon), and that means I've got Queens of the Stone Age on very loud, which is distracting.  Curious that their Wikipedia page describes their genre as stoner rock.  I don't know what they mean...

For some reason, this evening I really want to get my guitar, crank up the dirt, and blast out some funk/rock riffs.  In fact, I will go and do that shortly, if I have time.  I've been too busy being a bit stressed, 50@50 Mission Planning with Jezz (not related to the stress!), trying to remember to keep turning the jacket potatoes, and writing this blog...

I think it's the stress that's making me want to go and groove on my was always my outlet.   I found playing the piano to be a great stress release, but I don't have room for one here, so that's not an option.   

But a bit of dirty blues guitar should do the trick.

I was just going to go off on one about how complicated a setup it is to play my guitar at reasonable volume in the house, but honestly, it'll just bore you, even if you manage to's really of no interest to anyone.

I guess I've answered my question about which direction this post is heading...

Sorry 'bout that...


1 comment:

  1. Actually, I WAS wondering how you were going to crank up without annoying the neighbours, which I'm sure you don't want to do.

    ps Why has the prove you're not a robot thing changed from legible numbers to the usually indecipherable letters I wonder. That's two wonders.
